viernes, 16 de mayo de 2014

Star II

Hello everyone! I´m Laura and this week I have been the star with Nerea.
Our task consisted on present several advantages and disadvantages about the types of leadership style.

So , we decided to do a power point for show it in class.

Leadership style ,is the manner or the way that the leader provide direction , implementing plans and motivate people.
Therefore, you can find several types of leadership style ,like

  1. Authoritarian:is where the leader wants to keep the authoritarian power , a encourage the rules
  2. Democratic, the leader share all the decision with the group
  3. Paternalistic ,is characterized by a leader who takes care of the subordinates
  4. Trasnformational , where the leaders create a goos environmetn
  5. Transactional, where people are motivated by reward and punishments
  6. Laisez-faire, in that case the subordinates have complete freedom to make decisions.

The bassic difference between all these types o leadership is that the leader is seen in a different way , and the leader behave in a different way with the subordinates.
For example ,in the partenalistic leadership style , th leader takes care of their subordiantes
instead of ,the authoritarian leader,where the leader doesn´t have relationship with the subordinates

So, I expect that you understand very weel what it means leadership style , but if you want you can see videos in (``Youtube``) where there are many presentations documenting that .
I advise to see this video, is too interesting.Is about the leadership styles ,and the personalities.

See you soon!

STAR I By Nerea

Hi everybody!

Nerea is here again .This week I'm the star of my group with Laura.
We had to read about the different leadership style, understand them and substract the main advantages and disadvantages and later do an exposition to our peers in class.
We used a power point to do it where we show an advantages and disadvantages' table that was previous elaborated in Microsoft Word. Then, we explained  them to the rest of the class
This task has served me to learn and study the leadership styles in a deeper way.

miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2014

TRANSLATOR role by Amelia Avilés

I’m Amelia and this week I have been the translator of my group.

This week we had to talk about the different types of leadership, focusing on their advantages and disadvantages so here you have the explanation of five of the types of leadership.

1. Laissez- faire: A laissez-faire leader lacks direct supervision of employees and fails to provide regular feedback to those under his supervision. Highly experienced and trained employees requiring little supervision fall under the laissez-faire leadership style. However, not all employees possess those characteristics. This leadership style hinders the production of employees needing supervision. The laissez-faire style produces no leadership or supervision efforts from managers, which can lead to poor production, lack of control and increasing costs.

2. Autocratic: The autocratic leadership style allows managers to make decisions alone without the input of others. Managers possess total authority and impose their will on employees. No one challenges the decisions of autocratic leaders. This leadership style benefits employees who require close supervision. Creative employees who thrive in group functions detest this leadership style.

3. Participative: Often called the democratic leadership style, participative leadership values the input of team members and peers, but the responsibility of making the final decision rests with the participative leader. Participative leadership boosts employee morale because employees make contributions to the decision-making process. It causes them to feel as if their opinions matter. When a company needs to make changes within the organization, the participative leadership style helps employees accept changes easily because they play a role in the process. This style meets challenges when companies need to make a decision in a short period.  

4. Transactional: Managers using the transactional leadership style receive certain tasks to perform and provide rewards or punishments to team members based on performance results. Managers and team members set predetermined goals together, and employees agree to follow the direction and leadership of the manager to accomplish those goals. The manager possesses power to review results and train or correct employees when team members fail to meet goals. Employees receive rewards, such as bonuses, when they accomplish goals.

5. Transformational: The transformational leadership style depends on high levels of communication from management to meet goals. Leaders motivate employees and enhance productivity and efficiency through communication and high visibility. This style of leadership requires the involvement of management to meet goals. Leaders focus on the big picture within an organization and delegate smaller tasks to the team to accomplish goals.

These concepts are from Johnson R. 5 Different Types of Leadership Styles, from

I think that these concepts are very good and complete so I hope you have understood them easily. 

martes, 13 de mayo de 2014

CURATOR-FARMER by Andrea Bermúdez

Hello everyone!

This week I am the "curator-farmer" of my group. For this task my partners have done a presentation relating the different types of leadership. For it, they have used three documents where are explained the types. There are the documents:

-Gastil, John "A Definition and Illustration of Democratic Leadership" Human Relorions. VoL 47. No. 8, 1994 .

-Hoyle, John R. "Leadership Styles" Encyclopedia of Educational Leadership and Administration. Ed. . Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2006. 595-98. SAGE Reference Online. Web. 30 Jan. 2012.

-"Leadership Styles" from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 

Different Types of Leadership and Wikipedia / Webs / Dictionary in Verónica Costa (teachleaders)

Collect what you like from your Android devices thanks to the Pearltrees' app

Analyst by Verónica Costa


Finally, I've been the analist!! I've never been it and I wanted to be.

In this activity we have learnt the different types of leadership, and it was interestic because we have could relacionated the different leaderships with our teachers, and it was funny. And because we have learnt what is the best and what we could use in a future. 
The most moment in this week has been when we were comparing the teachers with the different leaderships. We have not had a worse moment or a worse part of the activity, because it have been very easy. But I think that for our stars the worse moment has been present the word to the whole class. 
If we continue working as we have been working, I think that we are going to have a good mark at the end of the course. Because we understand each other and it's easy work with all the members of the group.

So I hope continue like the other weeks and work very hard this last weeks.


Ey dear bloggers how are you?
I’m going to talk about what we did last week. Last Monday we were not supposed to have anything prepare for class, but every class with Linda is a surprise and so it was. When Linda arrived she asked the stars of each group to come out of the class with her and the rest of the people had to stay inside the class. For our surprise, Linda explained us an interesting activity that our group and us had to develop but it was a little bit special since the stars had a special role.
The activity consisted in creating a broad school. Easy, right? But it wasn’t because the stars had a special role. She divided the groups into three types of leaders: directive, less care and democratic. We had to play the role of the less care and I have to say that for me it was very difficult because I wasn’t supposed to do nothing and I am always talking, giving ideas, I am always trying to be in charge of my group. It was so difficult for me that even sometimes when we were doing the activity I said things but suddenly I realized that I must be quiet.
Once we knew what we had to do we came back to class and we explained to the rest of the group what we had to do. We weren’t talking at all and our classmates asked us why we didn’t say anything at the beginning but then they focus on what they had to do and they didn’t care about us.
When the activity was finished someone different from the stars had to present the broad school and Andrea was the lucky one.
Our broader school was like that: It was a public and bilingual school called “Cristobal Colón”. The school board will be composed by teachers, the director, the secretary, the school supervisor, parents and students. The teaching team will be formed by twenty-two teachers plus a psychologist and a pedagogist. The maintenance team will be composed by two caretaker and three cleaners. There will be different departments, one for languages, maths, science, music and arts, and finally one for P.E. The scholar schedule will be from nine in the morning to two in the afternoon. Our school will have a big yard, a sport pavilion and the built is going to have two floors. Each level is going to be divided in two lines, A and B. And on each classroom there will be an electronic board. Also, we will have an open class for students with disabilities, a library, a music class and an assembly hall.
After presenting our broader school our mates find out what was going on, and we think that the best type is the democratic because everyone has to participate and can give his or her opinion.

That’s all ;)

Star I by Noelia Clemente

Hello everybody!
I am Noelia and this last week I have been one of the stars of the group. For this presentation my partner Gloria and I had to study the questions of Spanish Educational System that our group and the other groups had done before.
 The day of the presentation was a bit different from others presentations because all the stars of the groups had to participate in “the game”. In the game our teacher Linda asked us questions randomly about the Spanish Educational System and if we answer it well we can win the game. Finally, the winners of the game were at the first place T8T and at the second place Step by step.

Unfortunately, we didn’t win but we already know all the things about the Spanish Educational System! This game has been useful to us because it has been a way of study these contents.

lunes, 14 de abril de 2014

Translator by Andrea Bermúdez

Hello bloggers!

I'm Andrea Bermúdez and this week my role has been "translator". My task has consisted in choosing the most representative five words on the work of this week. The words that I chose are: LOE, LOMCE, Spanish Educational System, Primary School and Curriculum. Now, I'm going to define these words.

1) LOE: Is the Organic Education Law of Spain, which was established on May 3, 2006. This law regulates the educational actions in our country for different ages on the principles of quality education for all students, equity that ensures equal opportunities and effective transmission of values ​​that promote freedom, responsibility, tolerance, equality, respect and justice, etc.. 

2) LOMCE: Is the Law for the Improvement of Educational Quality, proposed by Wert, which was approved on December 9, 2013. This law aims to modify the previous law, LOE, for "improving the quality of education". Some of the main objectives of this law are: reduce early school abandonment, improve educational outcomes with international standards, stimulate entrepreneurship of the students, etc. This law will start to be in force in the next course 2014/2015. 

3) Spanish Educational System: The Spanish Educational System accepts the need for combining quality and equity in the training provision, understood as two inseparable principles, and not as conflicting objectives. The features that best define it within the European overview are: The promotion of evaluation and innovation, The guarantee that no student will be excluded and their continuity in post-compulsory education and The flexibility that facilitates mobility between the different training options, within the framework of lifelong training and learning. Our system is divided into: Pre-Primary Education, Primary and Lower Compulsory Secondary Education, Upper Secondary Education, Higher Education and Adult Education and Training. 

4) Primary School: is an educational level structured in three cycles each of them made up by two years, studied from 6 to 12 years old. This level of education is aimed at assuring the development of the basic competences. This competences are: Competence on Linguistic communication, Mathematical competence, Competence on knowledge and interaction with the physical world, Information and digital processing competence, Social and civic competences, Competence on Cultural awareness and expression, Competence on Learning to learn and Competence on Autonomy and personal initiative.

5) Curriculum: Is the study plan proposed and imposed according to the school to teachers and students. It controls everything that is done in teaching. Curriculum is what a pupil studies. It poses situations and dilemmas to those we opt in a certain way.

sábado, 12 de abril de 2014

Analyst by Nerea

Hi everybody!

This week I'm the analyst of my group! 
As you know, like the word says, the analyst has to ” analyze” the effort and the work that all the components of my group have done during this week and put them a grade that symbolize their efforts and work,

Honestly, I have a very good group in this sense. Everybody in my group do what they have to do and add some ideas. There isn't anybody who don't do anything or who is lazier than the others.

The best thing in this week have been work with another groups and put in common our weekly results.

From my point of view, this role is a little difficult because I have to put a grade to my partners, but, in this case it hasn't been difficult because everybody work hard.

That's all for this week.

viernes, 11 de abril de 2014

STAR II role by Verónica Costa

Hello everyone!
As my mate Amelia has said, this is our last week before holiday, and in the last class we must to choose the eight questions that are going to go to the final game in which the star will have a big pressure because they will had to answer well the questions if we want to win one point and a half for our final note. It’s going to be very stressful!
So as Amelia has already said the questions of each group, I’m going to talk about the two people who came to visit us this week.
First of all, we had the pleasure to meet to Manel Rives (@ManelRives) who was talking about creativity, ubiquitous technology and interdependence. We learnt that the teacher is not the center of the class, that the children must to interact, that is not necessary that our children learn as we learn, they must to be independent, we must to innovate dealing the information and rework it by generating tools for they can learn with this new experiences.  And the most important, never give up, and try to do new things. And with this last thing, he said the example of one of his partner called María Salgado who don’t give up and get very far, and now, she has an important cooking blog called “( )”
And we have the pleasure to meet to Jane Challinor (@virtualleader), also. Jane was very interested too in that children must to learn with the new technologies and always innovating for improving their knowledge, and to can discover the truth, and don’t give it us, because we must to take advantage of  their curiosity, and with the format we can do it.
So it really was a pleasure to have this big people in our University and learn a lot with their presentations they did.

So see you in three weeks ;)

STAR I role by Amelia Avilés

Hey dear bloggers, this is our last week before holiday,

But before it, let's talk about this week. I'm Amelia and this week I have been one of the stars of the group. As you all know we are with the second part of the subject School Organisation and we have had to study the differences between LOE and LOMCE. 

So, this week after revising the complete conceptual maps of the nine groups and all the topics we have had to make four questions about each topic, so as there were six different topics, at the end we had to make twenty-four questions.

When we had ready our twenty-four questions we made white cards where we wrote in one side the number and the name of the topic and in the other side the question, the answer and the name of our group.

Yesterday on Thrusday, we had to give to Linda our cards, she separated them by topics and gave each topic to each group. As we are nine groups, three of us had to divided into two and supervise the other groups. We were one of the groups that had to separate and we supervised the group "Step by Step" and "Education Rush Hour". In my case, as we are two stars, I went to supervise "Step by Step" and my mate Verónica to "Education Rush Hour".

What we had to do was to revise that the cards of the topic number 2 were entirely complete, mark the cards of each group and after that we had to choose eight cards.

The 36 questions of the topic number 2 "Primary education" were:


-In which courses a child with specific disabilities is going to be assisted? What happen if the specific assesments for these children fail?

-As a teacher, what do you and the Ministry of Education should to investigate and promote?

-In the Primary School, what can we do for adapt the working patterns of children?

-If you were a teacher, what shall we do if we have a student in class with several difficulties?


-Mark is a eight-year old children. He has already finished third grade but he hasn't acquired the basic skills. Who has to decide about his future and what that person has to do?

-What have to do Educational Administrations if they want to buid private schools over public land?

-Primary Education is from 6 to 12 years old but, what is its structure?

-Basic competences are necessary in order to...


-Within the education policy in primary school, how is evaluated the mastery of skills?

-I you were a teacher of a group in third course of Primary Education according to the LOMCE and one of the students do not reach the basic skills, how would you solve it?

-As a teacher, what kind of assistance the Ministry of Education can give to you?

-There is univocal relationship between the teaching o some subjects and the development of certain competences?


-What's the early thing the LOMCE added to te objectives in primary education, according to the entrepreneurship?

-How is the primary education divided by the LOE. And by the LOMCE?

-What is the LOMCE adding about ICT's?

-What are the foreing languages denomination change according to LOMCE?


-What are the differences in the primary education organization between the LOE and LOMCE?

- What is the difference between LOE and LOMCE refering to the time that a teacher has to be the tutor of a concrete group?

-According to the LOMCE, what teachings form part of the basic education? Do you observe any differences from the LOE?

-Which changes have the different primary education subjects experimented from LOE to LOMCE?


-A cooperative wants to build a publicicly-funded private schools in respect to the terrain, what options has the cooperative?

-A student requests to study in the Castilian language in Catalonia. However, in his state school and nearby schools, the Castilian is not taught. What solution dos the Goverment propose?

-A students has passed all the subjects of 6th grade of Primary Education. However, he has failed the diagnostic's test. Can this student move on to Secondary Education?

-As we all know new technologies surround our learning environment. Many schools have opted to incorporate the ICT resources, but who offers these digital and technology platforms?


-We, as teachers, what must we do at the 3rd course of Primary Education to check if our students already have the basic skills. Explain it.
-Is there some education policy referring to the use of technology? Tell us what the present law says.
-Could you tell me some aims/general objectives of Primary Schools related with the respect for others?

- How many courses has Primary Education? Please tell me some of the PURPOSES or skills they must have at the end of Primary Education.


-What kind of schools can provide Primary Education?

-How many assessments does the new Education Policy establish on the individualized education?

-Which are the age levels and grouping pupils in the Primary School?

-What does the Education Policy establish on the ue of ICT in the teaching-learning process?


-What is it the purpose of the general objectives that the LOE provided?

-What are developed the priority aspects of the Spanish Educational Policy regarding Primary Education?

-Could a private or public school choose the name of the school?

-We know that the basic competences are essential in the development of the pupils but, all of those basic competences are related between them?

And that's all, hope you have a great time a rest all as you can! ;)

jueves, 10 de abril de 2014


Hello bloggers! I´m Laura and this week I have been the facilitator.
The task of this week consisted in summarizing the different conceptual maps that all the groups have done the last week, and doing 4 questions about each of the 6 themes. So, all of my group have work together for getting that.
Firstly, we revised the conceptual maps for doing the questions about it ,because we wanted that all of our question could summarize the themes. Furthermore the translator have searched more information about the themes for better documenting our work .
Secondly ,we divided our work ,an each member of the group had to do 1 theme .For example I have done the questions of the theme number 1 ,Andrea the questions of theme number 2 ,and so on.
After that we revised all the questions and  did  the questions in a special target.
Finally,in the last lesson, we have been the supervisors of the group ``Step by Step´´ and ``Education Rush Hour´´
The aim of this lesson was choosing the best questions for the final game,which It will be after this holidays

See you soon and good luck  !

domingo, 6 de abril de 2014

Curator-farmer by Noelia Clemente

Hello guys!

This last week I have been the curator-farmer so I have to organize all the references that we have used to do the activity of this week. Here you can see the pearltree with the references:

Eurypedia (2013) European Encyclopedia on National Education Systems, Overview

Eurypedia (2013) European Encyclopedia on National Education Systems, Primary Education

Boletín Oficial del Estado (2013)


jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

JOURNALIST by Gloria Garcia

Hi bloggers! What's going on?

As you probably already know, the previous weeks we had been working on the the part of 'Educational Resources' and now we have changed to 'School organization' so because of this, we have also changed a little bit the dynamic of the activities.

From the last week until the end of the course we are working on the topic of Spanish educational system, the laws and so on. We have a different activity each week about this topic until we arrive to the last one, wich will be a game! But going back to this week... We had to do two conceptual maps about two of the six topics that we have to study. The topics were:

1- An overview pf the Educational System.
2- The primary school.
3- Organization and primary education.
4- Organizational variations and alternative structures in primary education.
5- Administration and governance at local and/ or institutional level I.
6- Administration and governance at local and/ or institutional leve II.

Linda allocated to all the groups two differet topics and we were assigned 1 and 4. We have worked on the conceptual maps during the hole week because we have been modifying them until we approximated to the model we think it was the best.

We have also worked with different webs 2.0 tools to make the conceptual maps but we liked the most one which calls 'CmapTools' because we think it's the most appropiate for the idea we have for a conceptual map.

This way of working has been very useful because it improves our capacity of synthesis so I'm very happy for discovering this easy tool wich I'm sure it will help me a lot during my degree. 

If you want to see our conceptual maps you can check the Star post and take a look.

This week I have found some blogs which can be interesting. Here you have the links, take a look, they are so good.

See you soon!


Star II

Hello bloggers! I'm Laura and this week I have been with my partner Andrea Bermudez, the star.
My group had to do two conpcetual maps to the items 1 and 4, which were about Spanish overview and the variations and structures in the Spanish educational system.
We use the ``Cmap ´´program to make the conceptual maps, but other groups have used programs like ``Mindmeister´´.
In the Monday lesson, our group had to present the item 4,and with members of the group ``Step by step´´ we did another conceptual map summarizing concept maps of all the groups that had made ​​item 4.
We use the Cmap program and include information and pictures for all students can understand very well the concept map when we will have to study it.

I hope ,all the people understand very well our work J

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

STAR by Andrea Bermúdez

Hello bloggers!

I'm Andrea Bermúdez and this week my role has been "Star". This week, my group and I have had to do a conceptual map for starting with the seventh topic of this weeks of class "Changes in The Spanish Educational System Overview: The game" in which we have to make a game about The Spanish Educational System. For doing the Cmaps we have had to use the topics 1 (An Overview of the Educational System) and 4 (Organisational Variations and Alternative Structures in Primary Education), which were distributed by the teacher the last monday. We have used the CmapTools for doing the Cmaps. 

On monday, we had to exchange the Cmap and to each group was asigned one of the six topics at random

This has been our work of this week. I hope that you like it!

See you!

martes, 1 de abril de 2014

Facilitator By Nerea

Hello everybody!

I'm Nerea, this week I've been the facilitator of my group, I've been managing and supervising the work that my classmates were doing. 

This week have started "the final game" and the first part of it, is to elaborate some concept maps according with some documents that teacher facilitated us about the Organization of the Spanish Educational System

To carry out this task, first all we have read the two topics that our teacher, Linda, assigned us:
Number 1. An Overview of the Educational System
Number 4. Organisational Variations and Alternative Structures in Primary Education

Next, each one did a part of the conceptual map: Amelia, Noelia and Me did the first one; Vero, Laura, Gloria and Andrea did the second one. Later, all together review the different parts and join them

Finally, we created two big conceptual maps, one of each topic.

I’ve felt very comfortable with this role this week because my partners are very good workers and everybody collaborate. I have never had any problem with them.

I hope you like the final game; soon we will give more information


lunes, 31 de marzo de 2014

TRANSLATOR by Verónica Cost

Hello guys !
I´m Verónica and  this week I´ve been the translator .So I had to define 5 items that I think ,it was very interesting.
The words are: Bilingual teaching, Home teaching ,LOMCE,Rural School, diversity.

Bilingual teaching: Education in an English-language school system in which students with little fluency in English are taught in both their native language and English.

Home teaching:Is a teacher who go to the house of the student to teach her /him ,because  he or she cannot take teaching through the ordinary in-class education.So ,in that case is developed the modality distance education.

LOMCE: It is a law of the Spanish legal system as a matter of Law amending the Organic Law 2/2006.This law make a changes from the last law.

Rural School:This kind of schools are provided for small towns ,to pupils of pre-primary and basic education. The school development plan and the Yearly General Programme are similar in every gathered schools.

Diversity: In the Spanish Educational System you can see that the school has to attend to all the students , regardless of the possibilities which each student has. In order to guarantee that everyone access to education

So I hope that those words can help you for doing a good exam.

Greetings from Germany, München.

ANALYST ROLE by Amelia Avilés

Hey dear bloggers!

Here we are one more week and I'm glad to tell you that it has been our first week working in the second part of the subject: "School Organization". This week it is my turn to be the analyst of my group. From my point of view this is not an easy role because as the analyst I have to be fair and completely honest, marking my mates with the grade that they deserve according to their work during the week.

This week we have had to make two different conceptual maps, in our case we made the conceptual maps from topics one and four. The best part of the week has been discovering a new web 2.0 to make the conceptual maps, it is very useful because is a simple way to organize different ideas and it is a good way to use to study. Also, another good part of the week has been learning the differences between LOE and LOMCE because as future primary teacher we must try to be up-to-date with the changes in the educational system. On the other hand, the worst part of the week has been agreeing they way in which we were going to make the conceptual maps and also deciding the web 2.0 to use. Besides, this week has been a little bit more difficult because two members of the groups were missing for a few days because they went on a trip but when they came back they did their part of the work. The best moment of the week was they day that we all met in order to make the work because we always have fun together while we are working and the worst part was the day before of the delivery of the conceptual map because some problems with the desing came up.With this first part of this activity we mainly have learnt how the educational system works and how it it organized. As far as I’m concerned, as a group we need to conserve the amount of ideas that all the members of the group have, and on the other hand, we need to work harder when we meet each other because we haven't got much time. We have to improve so many things but it is hard to coordinate each other since we are seven.

That's all for this week guys!

viernes, 28 de marzo de 2014


Hello people! My name is Laura, and this week I have been the translator .I’ve chosen the five definitions which I think were the most important.
The task of this week was doing a video with things that we have learnt in the subject.
Therefore, the words that I chose are:
TPACK; Presentation; Creative Common Licences; Moovly; Jamendo.

First of all, this week we have done a video trough the program Moovly ,where we have summarized all the things that we have learnt
Then, we can define Moovly :

Moovly is an online tool that allows teachers to create animations and videos, with photos, transitions, info graphics etc. Moovly lets you create original designs, it is free and easy to use.

In addition, we learnt how we make a good presentation.

Presentation: The presentation by programs such as Microsoft Power Point, allows particularly in the field of education the entrance of information in both auditory and visual channels, which allow the student to better capture the information.
The presentation must be based on clarity, attraction to the receiver etc .And the presentation that we expose in public we have to use resources with creative common licenses.

Creative Common licenses: It is an organization that allows authors of images, video, text or other resources which are on internet can be shared by other users.

Other thing, that as teachers we can use for doing a presentation  ,is the music , we can find webpages ,where have music with creative common licences.For example Jamendo.

Jamendo: It is a open community where the authors of songs can share their music for free.

 TPACK : The TPACK are acronyms that belong to the meaning of technological pedagogical knowledge. It is a conceptual model that provides teachers, a mental framework for thinking about the different areas of knowledge relating to education, integrating Technology, Pedagogy and Content in teaching

jueves, 27 de marzo de 2014

FARMER by Verónica Costa

Hi everyone!
This last week of resources I've been the costumer-farmer again. So for doing the video of the summary of the classes, we have been using the next web pages:

-Editor Moovly, Moovly

-Moovly, (30/06/2013). Getting started with Moovly

-Moovly, (30/06/2013). How to use the Move animation in Moovly?

-Royalty free music, Jamendo

Summary of resources in Verónica Costa (teachleaders)

Share anything on Android by downloading Pearltrees

martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

ANALYST ROLE by Andrea Bermúdez

Hello everybody!

I'm Andrea Bermúdez and this week I have worked like the "Analyst" of my group. My role consists in evaluate the work of my partners and answer some question about our work of this week:

What was the best part of the activity? 
The best part of the activity of this week has been to do the video, because has been very interesting use moovly and make a summary of all the content that we have learnt. Another good part has been the exhibition of the videos and after that the ratings of "Eurovision".

What was the worse? 
The worse part of the activity has been the distance among the group, because we have done practically all the work each one at home and we have had problems with this.  

What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)? 
The best moment of the week has been the exposition this monday, because all my classmates and I have had the opportunity of see all the videos and score them afterwards. This moment has been very fun and entertaining.

What was the worse? 
This week there hasen't been any worse moment, only the lack of time has been a worse moment because we have had a lot of works to do.

What have you learnt? 
We have learnt to do a moovly project and summarize better all the contents that we have learnt during this previous weeks. 

What do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks?
We need to conserve the comunication among the components of the group, because it's very important to do a good work. Also we need to conserve the good relations among ourselves because a work is more bearable if we have good feelings.

What do you need to improve –as a group- for the next weeks? 
We need to improve the way to do the work because we don't have much time to work together and we aren't conscious of the time that we need to do it and when we are together we should take advantage of that time for not going with hurry way on the weekend. 

How THIS content is related to other contents in the course and in your degree?
This content is related to all the contents that we have learnt in this subject because it's a summary of all that we have been doing and learning during this previous weeks. Also this content is related to another subject of our degree, Research and ICT, because is a subject in which we have had to manage the new technologies and we have learnt other kind of things differents to the subject School Organization and Educational Resources. 

There is any evident social connection of this content (news, politics, etc.)? 
No, because this activity has been a reflexion about our previous work in the subject and in the final results we haven't seen any evident social connection, because it hasn't been one content, it has been a mix of contents. 

These are all the things that I can say about our work of this week, because it has been a work in which all the components of the group and I have participated doing each one a part of the video and reflexing together about what should appear in the video and how.

Doing this roles and this works have been a good experience and I know that we have learnt a lot of things with this activities.

I hope that you like all the things that we have been doing until now!


lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014


Hi everybody!

 This week Noelia and me have been the stars of the group and as you know we have to do the presentation of the work of our group during this week.

This week we have done a recopilation of all what we have learnt during the seven weeks of the part of Resources( TPACK framework, how to do a good presentation, cartographic projections, treasure hunt, the dark side of textbooks, how to use different tools like flickr, slideshare, moovly..). Today we have shown it to our partners and each group have had a punctuation from the others groups, we get 55 point but finally, Hide & seek and C’mon tutankamon had the highest scores (77 points) and won the game and our teacher, Linda is going to invite them to a snack!!  ( a good motivator in my opinion )

Here, there’s a picture with the final scores:
Nerea and Noelia

Journalist role by Amelia Avilés

Hey dear bloggers, here we are one more week!

This past week has been an important week; it has been the final week of one part of the subject, named Educational Resources and from now on we are going to work in the part which is dedicated to School Organization. We are very excited about it and we are sure that we are going to enjoy it as much as we did the previous weeks.

Coming back to what concerns us, this week, in order to reflect what we have learnt during all this semester, Linda asked us to make a video presenting the things that we have learnt thanks to her in this time, and for that we had to use an online tool. We, The Teachleaders, chose "Moovly". I have to say that I didn't know about the existence of this tool and it's amazing! you can do a lot of different videos easily and the final end is excellent. So if you have to make a video soon don't hesitate to use it, it's very useful.

Once Linda gave us the instructions to follow we met each other in order to discuss how we were going to make the video. We had a lot of different ideas so as to agree all of us we made a storyboard, pretty similar to the one that we made a few weeks ago to prepare our "Human Evolution" presentation. After puting all our ideas in common, we finally decided how to make the video, but before starting we divided the work in order to work all of us. Each one will do a different part of the video so we started working. Some problems came up, for example we made the videos separately and when we finished them we realized that they couldn't be put together, so we had to make it again. At the end we solved them! :)

This week has been a little bit hard for us due to we had to make a lot of works for other subjects, we couldn't meet each other the same days and other things, but we managed to make the video. During the week some differences between us came up but as a group we solved them, it's very difficult to work in team and much more difficult if we are seven people. Nevermind we've managed well as a group.

Now I'm going to explain what is in our video, although below you can see the hole video.

We made a summary about what we learnt each week. First of all the TPACK model. This is a framework that all teachers must use and as we say in the video, with it we can be the perfect teachers.

Secondly, the cartographic projections. As future teachers we have learnt that we have to use the best tools to teach our students, tools that show the reality in the way it is and not in a different one.

Thirdly, we learnt that creative commons licence exists, that we shouldn't use pictures,  songs, slideshows among other things with copyright and also, we learnt how to make a good presentation, that it must be simple, with not many text, color, well structured and so on.

Also, we explored the dark side of text books and we made into account that for being a teacher is not necessary to use textbooks, there are more interesting things!

Finally but not less important, we discovered that there are a lot of tools waiting for being used, we need to explore all our options, DISCOVER!

Here you can see the complete video, I hope you enjoy it ;)

Today, on Monday, we have presented our videos as the rest of the groups of #SOyER1314 class. I have to say that all of them were pretty cool and my group and I enjoyed them as I supossed the rest of the class did due to the effort that we put so as to make them.

Once all the videos were seeing, Linda asked all the groups to mark each video by doing it as we were Eurovision presenters, it has been very fun. The scores were 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 12. After voting the ranking was the following one:

1st: Hide and seek.
1st:C'mon Tutankamon.
4th: Give me 7.
5th: The Teachleaders.
5th: Education Rush Hour.
7th: Brain Storming.
8th: Step by step.
9th: The little ants.

And that's all for this weeks dear bloggers, until next week!

Regards, Amelia.