viernes, 11 de abril de 2014

STAR II role by Verónica Costa

Hello everyone!
As my mate Amelia has said, this is our last week before holiday, and in the last class we must to choose the eight questions that are going to go to the final game in which the star will have a big pressure because they will had to answer well the questions if we want to win one point and a half for our final note. It’s going to be very stressful!
So as Amelia has already said the questions of each group, I’m going to talk about the two people who came to visit us this week.
First of all, we had the pleasure to meet to Manel Rives (@ManelRives) who was talking about creativity, ubiquitous technology and interdependence. We learnt that the teacher is not the center of the class, that the children must to interact, that is not necessary that our children learn as we learn, they must to be independent, we must to innovate dealing the information and rework it by generating tools for they can learn with this new experiences.  And the most important, never give up, and try to do new things. And with this last thing, he said the example of one of his partner called María Salgado who don’t give up and get very far, and now, she has an important cooking blog called “( )”
And we have the pleasure to meet to Jane Challinor (@virtualleader), also. Jane was very interested too in that children must to learn with the new technologies and always innovating for improving their knowledge, and to can discover the truth, and don’t give it us, because we must to take advantage of  their curiosity, and with the format we can do it.
So it really was a pleasure to have this big people in our University and learn a lot with their presentations they did.

So see you in three weeks ;)

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