Hello bloggers!
I'm Andrea Bermúdez and this week my role has been "translator". My task has consisted in choosing the most representative five words on the work of this week. The words that I chose are: LOE, LOMCE, Spanish Educational System, Primary School and Curriculum. Now, I'm going to define these words.
1) LOE: Is the Organic Education Law of Spain, which was established on May 3, 2006. This law regulates the educational actions in our country for different ages on the principles of quality education for all students, equity that ensures equal opportunities and effective transmission of values that promote freedom, responsibility, tolerance, equality, respect and justice, etc..
2) LOMCE: Is the Law for the Improvement of Educational Quality, proposed by Wert, which was approved on December 9, 2013. This law aims to modify the previous law, LOE, for "improving the quality of education". Some of the main objectives of this law are: reduce early school abandonment, improve educational outcomes with international standards, stimulate entrepreneurship of the students, etc. This law will start to be in force in the next course 2014/2015.
3) Spanish Educational System: The Spanish Educational System accepts the need for combining quality and equity in the training provision, understood as two inseparable principles, and not as conflicting objectives. The features that best define it within the European overview are: The promotion of evaluation and innovation, The guarantee that no student will be excluded and their continuity in post-compulsory education and The flexibility that facilitates mobility between the different training options, within the framework of lifelong training and learning. Our system is divided into: Pre-Primary Education, Primary and Lower Compulsory Secondary Education, Upper Secondary Education, Higher Education and Adult Education and Training.
4) Primary School: is an educational level structured in three cycles each of them made up by two years, studied from 6 to 12 years old. This level of education is aimed at assuring the development of the basic competences. This competences are: Competence on Linguistic communication, Mathematical competence, Competence on knowledge and interaction with the physical world, Information and digital processing competence, Social and civic competences, Competence on Cultural awareness and expression, Competence on Learning to learn and Competence on Autonomy and personal initiative.
5) Curriculum: Is the study plan proposed and imposed according to the school to teachers and students. It controls everything that is done in teaching. Curriculum is what a pupil studies. It poses situations and dilemmas to those we opt in a certain way.
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