martes, 13 de mayo de 2014

Analyst by Verónica Costa


Finally, I've been the analist!! I've never been it and I wanted to be.

In this activity we have learnt the different types of leadership, and it was interestic because we have could relacionated the different leaderships with our teachers, and it was funny. And because we have learnt what is the best and what we could use in a future. 
The most moment in this week has been when we were comparing the teachers with the different leaderships. We have not had a worse moment or a worse part of the activity, because it have been very easy. But I think that for our stars the worse moment has been present the word to the whole class. 
If we continue working as we have been working, I think that we are going to have a good mark at the end of the course. Because we understand each other and it's easy work with all the members of the group.

So I hope continue like the other weeks and work very hard this last weeks.

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