viernes, 16 de mayo de 2014

Star II

Hello everyone! I´m Laura and this week I have been the star with Nerea.
Our task consisted on present several advantages and disadvantages about the types of leadership style.

So , we decided to do a power point for show it in class.

Leadership style ,is the manner or the way that the leader provide direction , implementing plans and motivate people.
Therefore, you can find several types of leadership style ,like

  1. Authoritarian:is where the leader wants to keep the authoritarian power , a encourage the rules
  2. Democratic, the leader share all the decision with the group
  3. Paternalistic ,is characterized by a leader who takes care of the subordinates
  4. Trasnformational , where the leaders create a goos environmetn
  5. Transactional, where people are motivated by reward and punishments
  6. Laisez-faire, in that case the subordinates have complete freedom to make decisions.

The bassic difference between all these types o leadership is that the leader is seen in a different way , and the leader behave in a different way with the subordinates.
For example ,in the partenalistic leadership style , th leader takes care of their subordiantes
instead of ,the authoritarian leader,where the leader doesn´t have relationship with the subordinates

So, I expect that you understand very weel what it means leadership style , but if you want you can see videos in (``Youtube``) where there are many presentations documenting that .
I advise to see this video, is too interesting.Is about the leadership styles ,and the personalities.

See you soon!

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