Hello bloggers!
I'm Andrea Bermúdez and this week my role has been "translator". My task has consisted in choosing the most representative five words on the work of this week. The words that I chose are: LOE, LOMCE, Spanish Educational System, Primary School and Curriculum. Now, I'm going to define these words.
1) LOE: Is the Organic Education Law of Spain, which was established on May 3, 2006. This law regulates the educational actions in our country for different ages on the principles of quality education for all students, equity that ensures equal opportunities and effective transmission of values that promote freedom, responsibility, tolerance, equality, respect and justice, etc..
2) LOMCE: Is the Law for the Improvement of Educational Quality, proposed by Wert, which was approved on December 9, 2013. This law aims to modify the previous law, LOE, for "improving the quality of education". Some of the main objectives of this law are: reduce early school abandonment, improve educational outcomes with international standards, stimulate entrepreneurship of the students, etc. This law will start to be in force in the next course 2014/2015.
3) Spanish Educational System: The Spanish Educational System accepts the need for combining quality and equity in the training provision, understood as two inseparable principles, and not as conflicting objectives. The features that best define it within the European overview are: The promotion of evaluation and innovation, The guarantee that no student will be excluded and their continuity in post-compulsory education and The flexibility that facilitates mobility between the different training options, within the framework of lifelong training and learning. Our system is divided into: Pre-Primary Education, Primary and Lower Compulsory Secondary Education, Upper Secondary Education, Higher Education and Adult Education and Training.
4) Primary School: is an educational level structured in three cycles each of them made up by two years, studied from 6 to 12 years old. This level of education is aimed at assuring the development of the basic competences. This competences are: Competence on Linguistic communication, Mathematical competence, Competence on knowledge and interaction with the physical world, Information and digital processing competence, Social and civic competences, Competence on Cultural awareness and expression, Competence on Learning to learn and Competence on Autonomy and personal initiative.
5) Curriculum: Is the study plan proposed and imposed according to the school to teachers and students. It controls everything that is done in teaching. Curriculum is what a pupil studies. It poses situations and dilemmas to those we opt in a certain way.
lunes, 14 de abril de 2014
sábado, 12 de abril de 2014
Analyst by Nerea
Hi everybody!
This week I'm the
analyst of my group!
As you know, like
the word says, the analyst has to ” analyze” the effort and the work that all
the components of my group have done during this week and put them a grade that
symbolize their efforts and work,
Honestly, I have a
very good group in this sense. Everybody in my group do what they have to do
and add some ideas. There isn't anybody who don't do anything or who is lazier
than the others.
The best thing in
this week have been work with another groups and put in common our weekly
From my point of
view, this role is a little difficult because I have to put a grade to my
partners, but, in this case it hasn't been difficult because everybody work
That's all for this week.
viernes, 11 de abril de 2014
STAR II role by Verónica Costa
Hello everyone!
As my mate Amelia has said, this is our last
week before holiday, and in the last class we must to choose the eight
questions that are going to go to the final game in which the star will have a
big pressure because they will had to answer well the questions if we want to
win one point and a half for our final note. It’s going to be very stressful!
So as Amelia has already said the questions of
each group, I’m going to talk about the two people who came to visit us this
First of all, we had the pleasure to meet to
Manel Rives (@ManelRives) who was talking about creativity, ubiquitous
technology and interdependence. We learnt that the teacher is not the center of
the class, that the children must to interact, that is not necessary that our
children learn as we learn, they must to be independent, we must to innovate
dealing the information and rework it by generating tools for they can learn
with this new experiences. And the most
important, never give up, and try to do new things. And with this last thing,
he said the example of one of his partner called María Salgado who don’t give
up and get very far, and now, she has an important cooking blog called “(
eucocinoticocinas.blogspot.com.es )”
And we have the pleasure to meet to Jane
Challinor (@virtualleader), also. Jane was very interested too in that children
must to learn with the new technologies and always innovating for improving
their knowledge, and to can discover the truth, and don’t give it us, because
we must to take advantage of their curiosity,
and with the format we can do it.
So it really was a pleasure to have this big
people in our University and learn a lot with their presentations they did.
So see you in three weeks ;)
STAR I role by Amelia Avilés
Hey dear bloggers, this is our last week before holiday,
And that's all, hope you have a great time a rest all as you can! ;)
But before it, let's talk about this week. I'm Amelia and this week I have been one of the stars of the group. As you all know we are with the second part of the subject School Organisation and we have had to study the differences between LOE and LOMCE.
So, this week after revising the complete conceptual maps of the nine groups and all the topics we have had to make four questions about each topic, so as there were six different topics, at the end we had to make twenty-four questions.
When we had ready our twenty-four questions we made white cards where we wrote in one side the number and the name of the topic and in the other side the question, the answer and the name of our group.
Yesterday on Thrusday, we had to give to Linda our cards, she separated them by topics and gave each topic to each group. As we are nine groups, three of us had to divided into two and supervise the other groups. We were one of the groups that had to separate and we supervised the group "Step by Step" and "Education Rush Hour". In my case, as we are two stars, I went to supervise "Step by Step" and my mate Verónica to "Education Rush Hour".
What we had to do was to revise that the cards of the topic number 2 were entirely complete, mark the cards of each group and after that we had to choose eight cards.
The 36 questions of the topic number 2 "Primary education" were:
-In which courses a child with specific disabilities is going to be assisted? What happen if the specific assesments for these children fail?
-As a teacher, what do you and the Ministry of Education should to investigate and promote?
-In the Primary School, what can we do for adapt the working patterns of children?
-If you were a teacher, what shall we do if we have a student in class with several difficulties?
-Mark is a eight-year old children. He has already finished third grade but he hasn't acquired the basic skills. Who has to decide about his future and what that person has to do?
-What have to do Educational Administrations if they want to buid private schools over public land?
-Primary Education is from 6 to 12 years old but, what is its structure?
-Basic competences are necessary in order to...
-Within the education policy in primary school, how is evaluated the mastery of skills?
-I you were a teacher of a group in third course of Primary Education according to the LOMCE and one of the students do not reach the basic skills, how would you solve it?
-As a teacher, what kind of assistance the Ministry of Education can give to you?
-There is univocal relationship between the teaching o some subjects and the development of certain competences?
-What's the early thing the LOMCE added to te objectives in primary education, according to the entrepreneurship?
-How is the primary education divided by the LOE. And by the LOMCE?
-What is the LOMCE adding about ICT's?
-What are the foreing languages denomination change according to LOMCE?
-What are the differences in the primary education organization between the LOE and LOMCE?
- What is the difference between LOE and LOMCE refering to the time that a teacher has to be the tutor of a concrete group?
-According to the LOMCE, what teachings form part of the basic education? Do you observe any differences from the LOE?
-Which changes have the different primary education subjects experimented from LOE to LOMCE?
-A cooperative wants to build a publicicly-funded private schools in respect to the terrain, what options has the cooperative?
-A student requests to study in the Castilian language in Catalonia. However, in his state school and nearby schools, the Castilian is not taught. What solution dos the Goverment propose?
-A students has passed all the subjects of 6th grade of Primary Education. However, he has failed the diagnostic's test. Can this student move on to Secondary Education?
-As we all know new technologies surround our learning environment. Many schools have opted to incorporate the ICT resources, but who offers these digital and technology platforms?
-We, as teachers, what must we do at the 3rd course of Primary Education to check if our students already have the basic skills. Explain it.
-Is there some education policy referring to the use of technology? Tell us what the present law says.
-Could you tell me some aims/general objectives of Primary Schools related with the respect for others?
- How many courses has Primary Education? Please tell me some of the PURPOSES or skills they must have at the end of Primary Education.
-What kind of schools can provide Primary Education?
-How many assessments does the new Education Policy establish on the individualized education?
-Which are the age levels and grouping pupils in the Primary School?
-What does the Education Policy establish on the ue of ICT in the teaching-learning process?
-What is it the purpose of the general objectives that the LOE provided?
-What are developed the priority aspects of the Spanish Educational Policy regarding Primary Education?
-Could a private or public school choose the name of the school?
-We know that the basic competences are essential in the development of the pupils but, all of those basic competences are related between them?
And that's all, hope you have a great time a rest all as you can! ;)
jueves, 10 de abril de 2014
Hello bloggers! I´m Laura
and this week I have been the facilitator.
The task of this week
consisted in summarizing the different conceptual maps that all the groups have
done the last week, and doing 4 questions about each of the 6 themes. So, all
of my group have work together for getting that.
Firstly, we revised the
conceptual maps for doing the questions about it ,because we wanted that all of
our question could summarize the themes. Furthermore the translator have
searched more information about the themes for better documenting our work .
Secondly ,we divided
our work ,an each member of the group had to do 1 theme .For example I have
done the questions of the theme number 1 ,Andrea the questions of theme number
2 ,and so on.
After that we revised
all the questions and did the questions in a special target.
Finally,in the last
lesson, we have been the supervisors of the group ``Step by Step´´ and ``Education
Rush Hour´´
The aim of this lesson
was choosing the best questions for the final game,which It will be after this
See you soon and good
luck !
domingo, 6 de abril de 2014
Curator-farmer by Noelia Clemente
Hello guys!
This last
week I have been the curator-farmer so I have to organize all the references
that we have used to do the activity of this week. Here you can see the pearltree
with the references:
(2013) European Encyclopedia on National
Education Systems, Overview
(2013) European Encyclopedia on National
Education Systems, Primary Education
Boletín Oficial del Estado (2013)
From http://cmap.ihmc.us/
jueves, 3 de abril de 2014
JOURNALIST by Gloria Garcia
Hi bloggers! What's going on?
As you probably already know, the previous weeks we had been working on the the part of 'Educational Resources' and now we have changed to 'School organization' so because of this, we have also changed a little bit the dynamic of the activities.
From the last week until the end of the course we are working on the topic of Spanish educational system, the laws and so on. We have a different activity each week about this topic until we arrive to the last one, wich will be a game! But going back to this week... We had to do two conceptual maps about two of the six topics that we have to study. The topics were:
1- An overview pf the Educational System.
2- The primary school.
3- Organization and primary education.
4- Organizational variations and alternative structures in primary education.
5- Administration and governance at local and/ or institutional level I.
6- Administration and governance at local and/ or institutional leve II.
Linda allocated to all the groups two differet topics and we were assigned 1 and 4. We have worked on the conceptual maps during the hole week because we have been modifying them until we approximated to the model we think it was the best.
We have also worked with different webs 2.0 tools to make the conceptual maps but we liked the most one which calls 'CmapTools' because we think it's the most appropiate for the idea we have for a conceptual map.
As you probably already know, the previous weeks we had been working on the the part of 'Educational Resources' and now we have changed to 'School organization' so because of this, we have also changed a little bit the dynamic of the activities.
From the last week until the end of the course we are working on the topic of Spanish educational system, the laws and so on. We have a different activity each week about this topic until we arrive to the last one, wich will be a game! But going back to this week... We had to do two conceptual maps about two of the six topics that we have to study. The topics were:
1- An overview pf the Educational System.
2- The primary school.
3- Organization and primary education.
4- Organizational variations and alternative structures in primary education.
5- Administration and governance at local and/ or institutional level I.
6- Administration and governance at local and/ or institutional leve II.
Linda allocated to all the groups two differet topics and we were assigned 1 and 4. We have worked on the conceptual maps during the hole week because we have been modifying them until we approximated to the model we think it was the best.
We have also worked with different webs 2.0 tools to make the conceptual maps but we liked the most one which calls 'CmapTools' because we think it's the most appropiate for the idea we have for a conceptual map.
This way of working has been very useful because it improves our capacity of synthesis so I'm very happy for discovering this easy tool wich I'm sure it will help me a lot during my degree.
If you want to see our conceptual maps you can check the Star post and take a look.
This week I have found some blogs which can be interesting. Here you have the links, take a look, they are so good.
See you soon!
Star II
bloggers! I'm Laura and this week I have been with my partner Andrea Bermudez,
the star.
My group
had to do two conpcetual maps to the items 1 and 4, which were about Spanish
overview and the variations and structures in the Spanish educational system.
We use the ``Cmap
´´program to make the conceptual maps, but other groups have used programs like
In the Monday lesson, our group had to present the item 4,and with members of the group ``Step by step´´ we did another conceptual map summarizing concept maps
of all the groups that had made item 4.
We use the
Cmap program and include information and pictures for all students can
understand very well the concept map when we will have to study it.
I hope ,all
the people understand very well our work J
miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014
STAR by Andrea Bermúdez
Hello bloggers!
I'm Andrea Bermúdez and this week my role has been "Star". This week, my group and I have had to do a conceptual map for starting with the seventh topic of this weeks of class "Changes in The Spanish Educational System Overview: The game" in which we have to make a game about The Spanish Educational System. For doing the Cmaps we have had to use the topics 1 (An Overview of the Educational System) and 4 (Organisational Variations and Alternative Structures in Primary Education), which were distributed by the teacher the last monday. We have used the CmapTools for doing the Cmaps.
On monday, we had to exchange the Cmap and to each group was asigned one of the six topics at random.
This has been our work of this week. I hope that you like it!
See you!
martes, 1 de abril de 2014
Facilitator By Nerea
I'm Nerea,
this week I've been the facilitator of my group, I've been managing and supervising the work that my classmates
were doing.
This week
have started "the final game" and the first part of it, is to
elaborate some concept maps according with some documents that teacher
facilitated us about the Organization of the Spanish Educational System
To carry
out this task, first all we have read the two topics that our teacher, Linda,
assigned us:
Number 1. An
Overview of the Educational System
Number 4.
Organisational Variations and Alternative Structures in Primary Education
Next, each
one did a part of the conceptual map: Amelia, Noelia and Me did the first one;
Vero, Laura, Gloria and Andrea did the second one. Later, all together review
the different parts and join them
Finally, we
created two big conceptual maps, one of each topic.
I’ve felt very comfortable with this role this
week because my partners are very good workers and everybody collaborate. I
have never had any problem with them.
I hope you like the final game; soon we will
give more information
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