Hi guys! How are you this week?
I’m Amelia and on this third task I have been the Curater-farmer. This role consists on keeping all the references that my mates and I have used in order to complet the task that Linda imposed us. So, that has been my work this week and here you can see the result:
-Bellón, A. et al. Conocimiento del Medio para 4º de Primaria. Santillana Educación , S. L.
From http://www.e-vocacion.es/files/html/391089/index.html
-Castañeda, L. (2012). ¿Cómo preparar una presentación oral? [Video]
From http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlFuXG_uBHU
-Duarte, N. (2012). The secret structure of great talks.[Video]
From http://www.ted.com/talks/nancy_duarte_the_secret_structure_of_great_talks.html
-Garr, R. Top ten slide tips.
From http://www.garrreynolds.com/preso-tips/design/
-Creative Commons
From https://creativecommons.org/
I hope all these references are being useful for all of you.
Let's keep working!
Review the APA style