viernes, 28 de febrero de 2014


Hello everyone !

I'm Nerea and this week I'm the translator of my group. My task is to choose the five most important things we have learned this week working in the group.
The concepts that I have chosen are: Creative Common License, Presentation, Story board, basic tips and share slides

Creative Common License :
It is a license to use and share the creativity and knowledge freely . The Creative Commons licenses are not replaces by Copyright
There are 4 types :
Attribution (BY)
Driving alike ( SA )
Non-Commercial ( NC)
No derivatives ( ND )

A presentation is the process that allows display the content of a topic. To make a good one should keep in mind some tips that explain later.
The presentation can be done in many ways: with slides, with documents even with nothing. The main objective of the presentation is to present content and do in every ways.

The storyboard is a guide to the presentation, that is, before you do it, you must make a storyboard with images that you will use in order to understand what you're going to do  and how.

Basic Tips:
As I said before, there are some tips that will help you make a good presentation, here I am putting some of them:
1. Begin with the end in mind
2. Know your audience best
3. Content, content, content
4. Keep it simple
5. Content outlines
6. Having a sound, a clear structure
7. Dakari nani? (So what?)
8. Can you pass the elevator test?
9. The art of storytelling
10. Confidence how to get it?
11. Keep it simple
12. Limit bullet points and text

Slide Share:
Slide share is a company that aims to share knowledge online.
Slide Share is an important tool because we can share the content that matters to us with others. With this tool for our future projects can reach a wider audience.

Finally, I chose these items because I think are most important and must be learned on the job this week .



Hi guys! How are you this week?

I’m Amelia and on this third task I have been the Curater-farmer. This role consists on keeping all the references that my mates and I have used in order to complet the task that Linda imposed us. So, that has been my work this week and here you can see the result:

Free resources and visual presentations in Verónica Costa (teachleaders)

Organize your interests with the Pearltrees' app for Android


-Bellón, A. et al. Conocimiento del Medio para 4º de Primaria. Santillana Educación , S. L.


-Castañeda, L. (2012). ¿Cómo preparar una presentación oral? [Video]

-Duarte, N. (2012). The secret structure of great talks.[Video]

-Garr, R. Top ten slide tips.

-Creative Commons

I hope all these references are being useful for all of you.

Let's keep working!

jueves, 27 de febrero de 2014

STAR I ROLE by Andrea Bermúdez

Hello everybody!

I’m Andrea and this week I have been star in my group with my partner Laura. This week we have done an exposition of one topic that we chose: the human evolution and the first human beings. We prepared this exposition with the twenty tips that we searched on the net of how to do a good Power Point. We also searched information and pictures (with the creative commons license, on about our topic and we used fourteen slides. Finally, we exposed it in the class. We had four minutes for exposing it. At the end of the exposition, the teacher gave us indications and corrections of our Power Point, and she said to us that we did a good work as storytellers.

In conclusion, the expositions were very dynamic and entertaining. We have learnt many things about the topics that my classmates have exposed and many things about how to do good Power Points. 

JOURNALIST ROLE by Noelia Clemente

Hello bloggers!

Last week I have been the journalist of my group and I’m going to explain all the process of the work.
First of all, we have to do a presentation about how to use Creative Commons Licence and then we have to choose a topic which is teach in Primary School and ours stars have to present it to the class.
Unfortunately, another group of the class and we choose the same topic and it was a problem because they and we were doing the same work. So we have to start again and choose another topic and we decide to do it about the human evolution.

Here you have some photos about us working on it.

All the presentations have been really interesting and, in my opinion, I think that the presentation of the group “Give me 7” was really nice and the presentation of the group “Little ants” was very clear.

Finally, ours stars, Andrea and Laura, have done a really good job, they looked like real teachers!

martes, 25 de febrero de 2014

FACILITATOR ROLE by Verónica Costa

Hi everybody!

I'm Verónica, and this week I've been "the boss", the facilitator of the group, and I have liked so much because I like giving orders ;) This role, besides the journalist's role, is one of my favorites, because I can say I'm a little bit bossy and with this role I've had to order all my mates and they have done everything I said to them. But also, it's a difficult task because we are so much in the group and although there were some activities to do, there weren't for everybody, and sometimes there was somebody who wasn't doing anything, but we try to help each other and work together. With this task we had a problem, it was that other group of the class has the same topic that we had choosen for doing the activity, but finally we could resolve this problem talking each other and each group chose a new topic. But for the rest, everything was right and we learnt a lot with the presentation of my classmates.

For this activity I divided my mates in differents groups with differents activities each one, and I did this division according to the capacity of each of my collegues. For example, I ordered to Amelia to do the power point presentation with the help of mine, because we know manipulate the power point and other informatics programs very well. Gloria was searching the pictures for the power point and the others searching information about the activity of the week. But the most important is that if one of us had a doubt, there was always somebody to help her, and this is grateful.

And this week we are happy because we don't have any activity!! So we are going to repair some mistakes of the blog for it could be better ;)

See you ;D

martes, 18 de febrero de 2014


This week I've been the star with my mate Noelia. And it has been fantastic for different reason. The first one, because we have worked in a interested activity where we have known different cartographic projections map and the second one, because of we were very nervous because we thought that we were going to have to explain in front of the whole class, and for me this is difficult because I don't speak very well English and my accent is bad, and I was worried about that. But finally and like the next week, the presentation was a surprise and different to what we thought. So all the star of the different groups made the presentation explaining the different projections maps and it was very cool because all of us had to be agree with the others for do a good presentation. And also, not only the stars had to expose the task, if not that all the members of the each group had to expose too, and this was an unexpected surprise for all and with this way we learnt to collaborate in group. And there are some photos I took during the presentations of my mates:


Hello bloggers!
I’m Noelia and this week I have been one of the stars with my partner Vero and we have been working about two topics: the map projections and the treasure hunt.
The presentation of this week has been a bit different than the last one: In the class all the stars of each group we have to organize in one group and make a common presentation. At the beginning it has been a bit confused but I think that all the stars of the groups have done a great presentation. And I think that the most difficult point is when we have had to put all of our ideas in common because each group had a different opinion.
At he same as us, the farmers, the translators, the analysts, the facilitators and the journalists have to make a group of each other and make a presentation of a treasure hunt.

In conclusion, the presentation of this week has been very dynamic and interesting.


Hello everyone!
 I´m Laura and this week I am the farmer, and  as a farmer ,I have to compiling and organizing the  theoretical references.
I hope that you liked our work of this week,the treausure hunt
·         These are the references that we used for made the task.

Treasure hunt in Verónica Costa (teachleaders)

Collect what you like from your Android devices thanks to the Pearltrees' app

lunes, 17 de febrero de 2014


Hi everybody! I am Andrea Bermúdez and my role on this week has been “Translator”. My task consists in choosing the most representative five words on the work of this week. The words that I have chosen are map projection, treasure hunt, Mercator projection, Robinson projection and Azimuthal projection.

Map projection

A map projection is a representation of the Earth that can transform its surface, latitude, longitude or location, depending of the projection that we use. It is necessary to create maps. All map projections distort the surface in some fashion. Depending of the map projection, we can see a distortion or another. However, map projection refers to a cartographic projection.

Treasure hunt

"Treasure hunt" is a game (in this case for children of primary education) that consists in find some articles, locations, places or whatever hidden using clues. In addition, we can talk about “Scavenger Hunt” that is a game in which the organizers prepare a list defining specific items and the participants have to seek to gather all items on the list.

Azimuthal projection

The azimuthal projection is a map projection, which the main feature of this projection is that, depending from you look at the Earth, the distortion will be different. All points on the map are at proportionately correct distances from the center point, from which you look the map.  

Mercator projection

The Mercator projection is the cartographic projection that we use at schools for learning geography. This projection distorts the size and shape of large objects and as we move from Ecuador to Poles, the distortion is greater. It converts the round surfaces in plane surfaces. 

Robinson projection

Robinson created this map projection to show the world in a plane surface. There is a big distortion close to the poles. The range of acceptable distortion in this map is usually 45 degrees from north to south. In this map, we also can see that Ecuador is not in the center of the map, as it should be. 

In conclusion, I have selected these terms for you because I think that they are the most important terms of the topic of this week and they are the words that you have to know, as we have learnt too. I hope that you like it and that you can learn a little more about this topic. 

See you!


Hi guys, how was your week? Hope it was great. I'm Amelia and this week I’m the analyst of the ‘Teachleaders’ so my work here is to answer a few questions which you are going to see down and also I have had to grade my mates work.

Here you have the questions:

a. What was the best part of the activity?
The best part of the ‘Treasure Hunt’ I think it has been finding how different maps can distortion the perception that we have about the Earth, we have learnt a new thing because we didn’t know that depending on the type of map the distortions were different. Also, another great part has been working with my mates one more week because they are great workers and I feel very comfortable with all of them.

b. What was the worse?
The worst part has been understanding correctly what we had to do because we didn't have to much time to ask all the doubts due to that they appeared as we were doing the task, but once we get to understand everything it was much easier.

c. What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)?
I think the best moment was when we finished this second task because it has been a little bit hard and we have worked a lot on it.

d. What was the worse?
The worst definitively was the first day that all the members met because we didn’t know exactly what we had to do, but it got better and we made it!

e. What have you learnt?
With this activity my mates and I have learnt that in the future, when we become primary school teachers we have to be very careful with the types of maps that we are going to choose in order to explain geography to our students because depending on the map the perception that we have about the Earth can be distortion.

f. What do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks?
As far as I’m concerned we need to conserve the ability that we have to coordinate each other because take into account that we are seven, we are a big group, and sometimes can be difficult to agree with the rest of member but we always come to an agreement.

g. What do you need to improve –as a group- for the next weeks?
In my opinion we need to take more advantages of the time because we all are from different places and we can’t meet each other every day so we must assess better our time together in order to get a great result every week.

h. How THIS content is related to other contents in the course and in your degree?
All this content is related with our degree. We realize that all the subjects that we are studying are preparing us to be careful with the things that we choose to teach to our primary students.

i. There is any evident social connection of this content (news, politics, etc.)?
Of course there are evident social connections because we have to realize that we are teaching to little children and what we teach them at their age is very important because these are going to be the bases of their knowledge, so we should teach them using the best tools that we can find.

That's all for this week!


Hi! This week I’m the journalist, so I have to recover evidences about our working, and tell you the daily of my group.

First of all, we filled this box to clarify our ideas about the three different map projections and to analyse them (Mercator, Robinson and Azimuthal)

A globe is the only “perfect” representation of the Earth’s surface. All maps are distorted in four major ways. The four ways maps are distorted is by the shapes, sizes, directions and distances
Of the landmasses being mapped. In order to make maps, projections must be made, and different projections require different distortions. For each projections listed below, complete the chart for the correct information.

Secondly, we chose two differents countries (one in Europe and other outside Europe). We chose Madagascar and United Kingdom  and we did a comparison between them in the differents map projections.

We answered some question about it too:

1.       How big is it?

We have searched the dimensions of the countries that we have chosen and we have found that according to their areas Madagascar (587.041 km2) is bigger than the United Kingdom (243.610 km2).

How important it seems on the representation?

The measures of Madagascar are 587.041 km2 of surface, and United Kingdom has 234.610 km2 of surface, but in the Robinson projection, we can see that Madagascar has the same size than United Kingdom. However, Madagascar is bigger than United Kingdom but, because of the economic and social importance of United Kingdom, the maps cannot represent to United Kingdom smaller than Madagascar.

What could be the best projection for being used in a classroom?

We think the better projection for being used in classroom is Robinson's projection because this projection have mainly the poles distorted, and to teach children the map the poles are not so important than other zones

An example of one specific media that could determine/distort the vision of students about something:

We can see an example in the school when the teachers teach, principally in history’s lessons, because in this subject, the teachers can explain the different topics with their own point of view. For example, when they explain “The Francoism” they can show a certain tendency towards an ideological position or another, and with it, they can distort the vision of the students, creating impact on the students thoughts.
We can see other example in the relations between teenagers with their friends. According to the behavior of their friends, they influence on the boys/girls, for example, if the group of friends are rebels, the teenager can become like them.

How we might mitigate the effects of this resource in our classes?

We can mitigate the effects of this resource with the explanation by the teachers about the things as they really are, in the context of history subject, and educating betterto the children for they have their ownjudgmentand they knowwith who they have to go out and how they have to behave. 

Finally, we found another example of treasure hand and we called "Poetry Scavenger Hunt" :

To expose it to the rest of the class we made a power point presentation.

I have recollected some pictures about all my group working on this second task:

The result has been a big exposition mixing the information of all the groups in class:

My experience as journalist have been fun because I had to do all the photos and I liked it.


Hello everyone!

This week I'm the facilitator of the Teachleaders's group. This time we have been working on the ´Treasure Hunt' topic wich was a little more difficult than it seemed but fortunately we've already finished it successfully. You will be able to see what was about very soon when the rest of the members upload their posts, (surprise surprise).

We are very happy to work in this and wishing to get better every day.
Happy Monday and happy week!


miércoles, 12 de febrero de 2014


Hi everybody!

I'm Nerea and this week I am the Star of my group with Gloria too. We're the face of the group because we have done the exposition of the topic, in this case, TPACK framework.

My experience as Star has been very grateful because you have the responsability that your classmates understand what you're explaining.

All members of my group have been working hard and with enthusiasm(the attitude is very important in a group's work)

Here I'm going to put a picture of the final poster, the one which we explained to our classmates.

martes, 11 de febrero de 2014


Hi guys!

I'm Gloria Garcia and I've been the star of the Teachleaders group this first week. This experience has been very exciting because I've  had to present our project to our classmates nad our teacher with the help of the other star of the group Nerea.

During this week all the menbers of the group have been working very hard about the topic of TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge).

This first project of the subject has served to us to get better for the next week and to improve our team work but as you can see, we are so happy with the results. :)

See you next week!


Hi everyone! I’m Verónica Costa and I’m one of the group “Teachleaders”. In this first week I’m the costumer-farmer and I’m very excited to know how is going to go this blog and to all that we are going to learn in the classes. As I’m the Costumer-farmer my work has been to organize and to copy all the references that we have used to do our first practice: TPack. My mates and I are very happy to create this blog and we hope that you enjoy all the things that we are going to advertise and that our posts help you in someway.

Those are the references that we have used for our TPack:

 -Anderson, Mark. Want to improve your use of ICT? The perfect ICT every lesson
-Gregory, Susan (Director) MacGrergory (producer) (2009, May 6). How to make a mind map- The basics.

-Khoehler, Matthew (2011, May 13). What is Tpack? Message posted to

-Kimmons, Royce (Director/producer) (2011, March 22). TPack in 3 minutes.

 -TPack- Got TPack?

Here is the pearltree with all the websites, data and videos:

  Tpack in Verónica Costa (teachleaders)

Cultivate your interests with Pearltrees for Android


Hello everybody!

I’m Noelia and this week I am the translator of my group. My task consists in choosing the five most important terms that we have been working and we have learnt this week. The terms that I have chosen are technological knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge and TPACK.

Technological knowledge (TK)
The technological knowledge in the context of the school consists in knowing how to use the new technologies for teaching and learning. For example, a teacher who uses the computer for explaining the content to her students or a teacher, and also, a student, who has to use the internet to look for information, notes and so one.

Pedagogical knowledge (PK)
The pedagogical knowledge consists in that the teacher has to know how to teach to the students, he or she has to know the processes and methods which are used to teach and learn in the correct way and how they are applied to students in the classroom. It means, that the teacher has to know how to treat the students for they really learn.

Content knowledge (CK)
It is the knowledge that the teacher has to know about the subject he or she teachs. For example, a maths’ teacher has to know about maths as the same as an English’ teacher has to know speaking and writing in English.

Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK)
It is the knowledge that the teacher has to have about the content of the subject he or she teachs and how to teach this content to the students in the way that everybody can learn it.

The TPACK means Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge and it is the set of the three types of knowledge that I have explained before: technological, content and pedagogical knowledge. It is a way of teaching which includes the technology, the content of the subject and the knowledge of pedagogy that the teacher has.

I think that these are the most important terms which we have learnt this week and I hope you have understood these definitions well.

See you next week!


Hello bloggers! I am Andrea Bermúdez and this week my role has been “Journalist”.

This week, while we were working in the topic “TPACK” I have gathered evidences and information about our work. We have had two practices during the week, but the second one has been the longest. In the first class, we did the first practice about words illustrated by pictures. In the next classes, we made the work of TPACK until Tuesday, when the stars of our group presented the exposition of TPACK for all the students.

Practice 1: Illustrating words

In this first practice the teacher show us a list of words, which we chose five of them, and then we illustrated it with images. Our team chose these five words: future, deep, success, belligerent, learning and teaching. We chose these five words because we thought that these were the easiest. We used these pictures for illustrating the words:





1.      Deep: We chose this image for the famous Adele’s song “Rolling in the deep”. Because everybody know this song and the lyrics.

2.     Future: With this image, we pretended to represent the future, as we know with this popular TV program about the life the life in the future called “Futurama”.

3.      Success: We used an image with a man go up the stairs to get to the top for demonstrate the way to the success.

4.      Learning: We chose a picture of a classroom with the children and the teacher, and the children were with their right hand up.

5.       Belligerent: In this picture appeared someone who was angry. 

    We are going to answer some questions which have been proposed after doing the activity "Illustration words":

- Have you had any problem illustrating the concepts?

   There are some concepts that were difficult to explain, so we have chosen the easiest concepts to  represent it in a easily way, trying that our mates can understand and discover the words thought the draws and pictures.

- How it is easier to know what is the concept, with a drawing? Or with a picture?

     We have done both. We have represented the concepts with a draw and with a picture. But we really think that is better to know the concept with a draw, because of it is easier to represent what we exactly want. Because with a picture we have to adjust to the image and with a draw not.

- Messages in illustrations help to clarify the concept?

     We think that is better to put messages in illustrations because it can clarify the significance of the illustration but sometimes it is more difficult because the messages can confuse the others if we do not represent well the image.

- Why do you think the other group have had problems to guess the Word?

     They have had problem because one image can have various concepts. Like for example, we have put an image that can confuse the concepts between belligerent and indignantly and our mates have had to choose between those concepts and select one randomly. And to solve this little problem we have to select or draw a different image that can illustrate the select concept.

Practice 2: TPACK

We have done a research of TPACK and its features. Firstly, we read the document of TPACK for knowing what it is. Secondly, we did an online research to find more things about the topic. Later, we gathered in the classroom all the information and we did the schema of mind map. Finally, we did the final mind map on Saturday. On Tuesday, we finished our work when the stars of the group presented the mind map through an exposition for all the students.

During this process, each member of the group have done her individual work and we have done the group work too. Here there are some evidences of the work:

All this work has served me to learn what is TPACK and how is to work in a big group for the first time. It has been a great experience and I hope that the following works continue being as good as this.