viernes, 16 de mayo de 2014

Star II

Hello everyone! I´m Laura and this week I have been the star with Nerea.
Our task consisted on present several advantages and disadvantages about the types of leadership style.

So , we decided to do a power point for show it in class.

Leadership style ,is the manner or the way that the leader provide direction , implementing plans and motivate people.
Therefore, you can find several types of leadership style ,like

  1. Authoritarian:is where the leader wants to keep the authoritarian power , a encourage the rules
  2. Democratic, the leader share all the decision with the group
  3. Paternalistic ,is characterized by a leader who takes care of the subordinates
  4. Trasnformational , where the leaders create a goos environmetn
  5. Transactional, where people are motivated by reward and punishments
  6. Laisez-faire, in that case the subordinates have complete freedom to make decisions.

The bassic difference between all these types o leadership is that the leader is seen in a different way , and the leader behave in a different way with the subordinates.
For example ,in the partenalistic leadership style , th leader takes care of their subordiantes
instead of ,the authoritarian leader,where the leader doesn´t have relationship with the subordinates

So, I expect that you understand very weel what it means leadership style , but if you want you can see videos in (``Youtube``) where there are many presentations documenting that .
I advise to see this video, is too interesting.Is about the leadership styles ,and the personalities.

See you soon!

STAR I By Nerea

Hi everybody!

Nerea is here again .This week I'm the star of my group with Laura.
We had to read about the different leadership style, understand them and substract the main advantages and disadvantages and later do an exposition to our peers in class.
We used a power point to do it where we show an advantages and disadvantages' table that was previous elaborated in Microsoft Word. Then, we explained  them to the rest of the class
This task has served me to learn and study the leadership styles in a deeper way.

miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2014

TRANSLATOR role by Amelia Avilés

I’m Amelia and this week I have been the translator of my group.

This week we had to talk about the different types of leadership, focusing on their advantages and disadvantages so here you have the explanation of five of the types of leadership.

1. Laissez- faire: A laissez-faire leader lacks direct supervision of employees and fails to provide regular feedback to those under his supervision. Highly experienced and trained employees requiring little supervision fall under the laissez-faire leadership style. However, not all employees possess those characteristics. This leadership style hinders the production of employees needing supervision. The laissez-faire style produces no leadership or supervision efforts from managers, which can lead to poor production, lack of control and increasing costs.

2. Autocratic: The autocratic leadership style allows managers to make decisions alone without the input of others. Managers possess total authority and impose their will on employees. No one challenges the decisions of autocratic leaders. This leadership style benefits employees who require close supervision. Creative employees who thrive in group functions detest this leadership style.

3. Participative: Often called the democratic leadership style, participative leadership values the input of team members and peers, but the responsibility of making the final decision rests with the participative leader. Participative leadership boosts employee morale because employees make contributions to the decision-making process. It causes them to feel as if their opinions matter. When a company needs to make changes within the organization, the participative leadership style helps employees accept changes easily because they play a role in the process. This style meets challenges when companies need to make a decision in a short period.  

4. Transactional: Managers using the transactional leadership style receive certain tasks to perform and provide rewards or punishments to team members based on performance results. Managers and team members set predetermined goals together, and employees agree to follow the direction and leadership of the manager to accomplish those goals. The manager possesses power to review results and train or correct employees when team members fail to meet goals. Employees receive rewards, such as bonuses, when they accomplish goals.

5. Transformational: The transformational leadership style depends on high levels of communication from management to meet goals. Leaders motivate employees and enhance productivity and efficiency through communication and high visibility. This style of leadership requires the involvement of management to meet goals. Leaders focus on the big picture within an organization and delegate smaller tasks to the team to accomplish goals.

These concepts are from Johnson R. 5 Different Types of Leadership Styles, from

I think that these concepts are very good and complete so I hope you have understood them easily. 

martes, 13 de mayo de 2014

CURATOR-FARMER by Andrea Bermúdez

Hello everyone!

This week I am the "curator-farmer" of my group. For this task my partners have done a presentation relating the different types of leadership. For it, they have used three documents where are explained the types. There are the documents:

-Gastil, John "A Definition and Illustration of Democratic Leadership" Human Relorions. VoL 47. No. 8, 1994 .

-Hoyle, John R. "Leadership Styles" Encyclopedia of Educational Leadership and Administration. Ed. . Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2006. 595-98. SAGE Reference Online. Web. 30 Jan. 2012.

-"Leadership Styles" from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 

Different Types of Leadership and Wikipedia / Webs / Dictionary in Verónica Costa (teachleaders)

Collect what you like from your Android devices thanks to the Pearltrees' app

Analyst by Verónica Costa


Finally, I've been the analist!! I've never been it and I wanted to be.

In this activity we have learnt the different types of leadership, and it was interestic because we have could relacionated the different leaderships with our teachers, and it was funny. And because we have learnt what is the best and what we could use in a future. 
The most moment in this week has been when we were comparing the teachers with the different leaderships. We have not had a worse moment or a worse part of the activity, because it have been very easy. But I think that for our stars the worse moment has been present the word to the whole class. 
If we continue working as we have been working, I think that we are going to have a good mark at the end of the course. Because we understand each other and it's easy work with all the members of the group.

So I hope continue like the other weeks and work very hard this last weeks.


Ey dear bloggers how are you?
I’m going to talk about what we did last week. Last Monday we were not supposed to have anything prepare for class, but every class with Linda is a surprise and so it was. When Linda arrived she asked the stars of each group to come out of the class with her and the rest of the people had to stay inside the class. For our surprise, Linda explained us an interesting activity that our group and us had to develop but it was a little bit special since the stars had a special role.
The activity consisted in creating a broad school. Easy, right? But it wasn’t because the stars had a special role. She divided the groups into three types of leaders: directive, less care and democratic. We had to play the role of the less care and I have to say that for me it was very difficult because I wasn’t supposed to do nothing and I am always talking, giving ideas, I am always trying to be in charge of my group. It was so difficult for me that even sometimes when we were doing the activity I said things but suddenly I realized that I must be quiet.
Once we knew what we had to do we came back to class and we explained to the rest of the group what we had to do. We weren’t talking at all and our classmates asked us why we didn’t say anything at the beginning but then they focus on what they had to do and they didn’t care about us.
When the activity was finished someone different from the stars had to present the broad school and Andrea was the lucky one.
Our broader school was like that: It was a public and bilingual school called “Cristobal Colón”. The school board will be composed by teachers, the director, the secretary, the school supervisor, parents and students. The teaching team will be formed by twenty-two teachers plus a psychologist and a pedagogist. The maintenance team will be composed by two caretaker and three cleaners. There will be different departments, one for languages, maths, science, music and arts, and finally one for P.E. The scholar schedule will be from nine in the morning to two in the afternoon. Our school will have a big yard, a sport pavilion and the built is going to have two floors. Each level is going to be divided in two lines, A and B. And on each classroom there will be an electronic board. Also, we will have an open class for students with disabilities, a library, a music class and an assembly hall.
After presenting our broader school our mates find out what was going on, and we think that the best type is the democratic because everyone has to participate and can give his or her opinion.

That’s all ;)

Star I by Noelia Clemente

Hello everybody!
I am Noelia and this last week I have been one of the stars of the group. For this presentation my partner Gloria and I had to study the questions of Spanish Educational System that our group and the other groups had done before.
 The day of the presentation was a bit different from others presentations because all the stars of the groups had to participate in “the game”. In the game our teacher Linda asked us questions randomly about the Spanish Educational System and if we answer it well we can win the game. Finally, the winners of the game were at the first place T8T and at the second place Step by step.

Unfortunately, we didn’t win but we already know all the things about the Spanish Educational System! This game has been useful to us because it has been a way of study these contents.