Hi everybody!
This week I'm the curator-farmer of my group and I have to compile and organize the
This week I'm the curator-farmer of my group and I have to compile and organize the
theoretical references of the work of this week: The dark side of text books.
Here you have the pearltrees where you can see the webs we have been using during this week:
Although they're in the pearltrees, here you have the references:
Castañeda. (2014) The dark side of
textbooks. Recuperado de http://lindacastaneda.com/mushware/darksidetextbooks/
Wikipedia. (2014).
Textbook. Recuperado de http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Textbook
Josh Borras. (2013). De
los libros de texto a los contenidos digitales: ¿Cambio pedagógico o cambio del
modelo de negocio? Recuperado de http://edullab.webs.ull.es/wordpress/?p=321
Leandro Gomez de Molina. (2013). Un cambio de actitud.
Recuperado de http://nomedaigual.com/un-cambio-de-actitud/
Jordi Marti. (2013). Punto neutro, la última cesión a las
editoriales de libros de texto. Recuperado de http://www.xarxatic.com/punto-neutro-la-ultima-cesion-a-las-editoriales-de-libros-de-texto/
Inma Moscardó. (2014). El libro de texto en papel deberá
aprovechar las nuevas tecnologías y soportes digitales para reinventarse.
Recuperado de http://www.federacioneditores.org/0_Resources/Documentos/NP_TIC_ense%C3%B1anza.pdf
just two cents: where are the APA style references? do you think this is a good post (format, content, reflection)?, have you think on the possibiity of embed the pearltrees??