Hi guys, I'm Gloria and this week I've been the analyst of the group.
As you already know we have been working on the Creative Commons Licence. For applying them and to understanding how to use them, we had to do a presentation for the rest of the class as if they were our primary students. At first we choose the topic of the universe and the planets of the solar system, and we finished it, but then we realized that another group had chosen the same topic so we had to change it. That was a little bit anoying, but we are always supposed to work our best. As the second and final topic we choose the human evolution and I have to recognize that the stars of the group made a very good job explaining it.
Summarazing the work of this week I have to say that this topic of Creative Commons Licence is very interesting and useful because all the time we use pictures, music, draws and so on in our class presentations or even outside the classroom, but we don't know that we are using them illegally and that's why is so important that we start doing our projects using Creative Common Licence.
About the team work I have to say that we have been very coordinated in the distributing and development of the project. As I've mentioned before, we were upset in the sense that we have done two different projects with the difficulties that it brings as meeting all the members of the group two or more days a week for one project but we have done it twice.
Appart from that I think that we can do better each time and all the members of the group are motivated and ready to do their best.
I hope that you have learnt a little bit more and see you next week with a new topic!
It is a bit poor and superficial, isn't it?